Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chapter 14- Control Accounts

Control Accounts Error

                     1. Recording Error
                      2. Posting Error
                      3. Miscasting Error
                      4. Extraction Error

1. Recording Errors:
      Errors in recording or day books effect individual as well as Grand Total.
     · Over Recorded Opposite side of Original
     · Under Recorded Same side of Original

Error Identification:
In Day Books,
            · Not Entered
            · Omitted
            · Wrongly Entered
            · Not Recorded

2. Posting Errors:
            · Over Posted Opposite side of Original
            · Under Posted Same side of Original
Error Identification:
           · Not Posted
           · Wrongly Posted
           · Posted on wrong side of ledger a/c
3. Miscasting Errors:
            It’s a Total Error in accounts
            · Over Casted------ Opposite side of Original
            · Under Casted--------- Same side of Original
Error Identification:
            · Under Casted
            · Over Casted
            · Total wrongly casted
4. Extracting Errors:
             List of balances Balance of Personal Ledger
            · Over Extracted Opposite side of Original
            · Under Extracted Same side of Original

Error Identification:
List of balances

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