Monday, April 22, 2013

Interpretation Theory of Financial Statement

Thursday, April 18, 2013


          CASH FLOW (Easy System)
 Profit Before Tax  (PBIT)                          

 Add: Depreciation                

 Less: Profit on Disposal        

 Add: Loss On disposal          

 Less:Increase in Inventory      

 Add: Decrease in Inventory    

 Less: Increase in Receivable  

 Add.: Decrease in Receivable  

 Less: Decrease in Payable      

 Add: Increase In Payable      


 Cash Flow from Operation                  

 Less Interest Paid                                  

 Less Tax Paid                                       

 Net Cash From Operating Exp.            

 Investing Activities

 Less:         Purchase of non Current Asset  

 Add:         Sale of Non Current Asset      

 Add:          Dividend Received                  

 Add.:         Interest Received                    


 Financing Activities

 Add: Issue of Share                                  

 Less: Repayment of Loan                          

 Add: Loan From Others                            

 Less: Dividend Pay/Interest Pay                  


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Consolidated Financial Statements

The general principles involved in consolidated financial statements are:
1. A consolidated financial statement should essentially provide true and fair picture of financial condition and operating result of the business faction.
2. A consolidated financial statement needs to be prepared on the basis of legal-entity based financial statements of the parent company and its subsidiaries which belong to the business faction, and prepared in accordance with the GAAP.
3. A consolidated financial statement needs provide a clear vision about the financial info requisite for interested parties not to mislead their judgments about the business groups’ condition.
4. The procedures and policies used for preparing consolidated financial statements need to be applied ad infinitum and should not be changed without any reason.
Checklist for preparation of consolidated financial statements
1. Estimate group holdings and establish each entity’s status in the question.
2. Ascertain the fair value of acquired assets and calculate net assets of the subsidiary.
3. Estimate goodwill arising on acquisition.
4. Adjust for any intra-group activities.
5. Estimate the balance carried forward on consolidated retained earnings.

Few theory:

Consolidated Sales = Total Individuals Sales – Intra group Sale
Consolidated COGS = Total Cost – Intra group Sales + Unrealized profit
Consolidated COGS = Total Cost – (Intra group Sales - Unrealized profit)
Consolidated Profit = Total Individual Profit – Unrealized Profit
Consolidated  Receivable = Total receivable –Intra group Receivable
Consolidated  Payable = Total Payable –Intra group Payable
Closing Inventory increase profit will increase
If A parent company have  Only Associate company then it will not possible to create consolidated accounts.
Need at least on e subsidiary company.
Parents company of Associate company profits will show profit after tax in Associate will show profit before tax in consolidated accounts.
NCI = Fare value + Post acquisition profit – unrealized Profit as per percentage
If Parent Sold to Subsidiary Company and if any unrealized profit gain then the full amount of unrealized profit will be deduct from the group profit.
If Subsidiary Sold to Parent Company and if any unrealized profit gain then the percentage of unrealized profit  will deduct from the group profit. And Unrealized profit will deduct From NCI (as per percentage of NCI)
GoodWill= Trasfer share capital + NCI at the date of acquisition –Share capital-Retained earnings – Fair value of plant higher than carrying value


Consolidated SOCI
Consolidated SOCI
Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
Administrative Expense
Profit Before Taxation
Income Tax
Profit Attributable to Owners of P.Co of NCI
Investment on Retained Earnings
Group profit for the year
Retained Earnings b/f
Retained Earnings c/f

Goodwill Calculation

Consideration Transferred                                           ****
Add: Non Controlling Interest                                      ****
Total                                                                            ****
Less: Net Acquisition-date Faire Value
of identifiable assets acquired                         ****
Ordinary Share Capital                                                 ****
Share Premium                                                             ****
Retained earnings at acquisition                                   ****
Fair value adjustment at acquisition                 ****
Goodwill                                                                      ****


1.      NCI = Opening NCI + Year End retained Earning x % of NCI
(If Opening and Closing retained earning are  given separately)
2.      NCI = Opening NCI + (Closing Retained Earning – Opening Retained Earning) x % of NCI
3.      Cost of the Investment = Ordinary Share Value + Retained Earnings at acquisition + Profit as per percentage and proportionate time (month) + Goodwill

4.      Cost of the Investment = Ordinary Share Value + Retained Earnings at acquisition + Profit as per percentage and proportionate time (month) + Goodwill- Non controlling interest (if any)

Such as Parent company acquires Subsidiary company on 1st October, 2012 and the year end is 31st December,2012. So, Profit proportionate is 1st October to 31st December that means 3 months.

If profit is 80000 tk during the year then the cost of investment will be 80000 x 9/12 = 60,000 tk. which is the cost of investment.
5.      For Associate Company ,no legal form of Consolidated Income Statement and no need to prepare consolidated Income Statement.
6.      For Subsidiary Company Consolidated Income Statement is Required.
7.      If any parents comapny has no subsidiary company only associate company the no need to prepare consolidated income Statement. In this purpose SOFP Shows the Investment in Associate and the income will show in the SOCI, before tax.

8.      Mark Up 40% means When Sales 100 then CGS 125.
Ex. If sales 5000tk then CGS will be 5000x 100/125 = 40000
And Profit will be – 50,000 – 40000
If unrealised profit then how to calculate consolidated retained earning:
Condition : 100% Acquire
If Subsidiary company sold some goods to parents company but the goods still in inventory then the unsold goods profit will be deduct (as per parents company percentage ) from the retained earnings then added parents company retained earnings.
Condition : less than 100%  such as 60% Acquire
If the above condition is presence
1.      Calculate the intra group sales profit
2.      Calculate unsold/unrealized profit as per percentage
3.      Deduct the unrealised profit from the consolidated gross  profit
Example: On 1May 2008 Symphony Co. Acquired 60% of the share capital of Sprint for 1,20,000 $. During the year Symphony Co. sold goods to sprint Co for $30,000 including a profit margin of 25%. 40% of these goods were in inventory at the year end.
The following extract was taken from the financial statement of Symphony Co and Sprint company at 30th April, 2009
                                                            Symphony                   Sprint
                                                            $000                            $000
Revenue                                              750                              400
Cost of sales                                        (420)                            (100)
Gross Profit                                         330                              300
What is the consolidated gross profit?

Intragroup sales: $30000 and Profit margin 25% then profit will be $7500 (30000 x 25%)
 Unrealized profit will be 7500 x 40% = 3000.
(330000 + 300000) – 3000 = $327000