Friday, July 13, 2012

FA-2 - Incomplete Records

Incomplete Records

Cost of Sale : Purchase + Opening Inventory-Closing Inventory

Profit/Loss = Increase Capital + Drawings – Capital Introduce

Purchase = Cost of sales – Opening Stock + Closing Stock

Cost of Sales = Purchase + Opening Stock – Closing Stock

Closing Capital = Opening Capital + Capital Introduce + Profit –Loss – drawings

Drawings = Opening + Capital Introduce + Profit – Closing

Profit = Closing – Opening – Capital Introduce + Drawings

Opening Balance = Closing – Capital Introduced - Profit+ Drawings

Capital introduce = Closing – Opening – Profit + Drawings

Margin = Gross Profit  x 100

Mark Up =           Gross Profit                      x 100
                     Cost of Good Sold Sales

If Mark up 30% then margin is   = (30/130)* 100
                                                            = 23%

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