Thursday, September 26, 2013

Motivating individuals and Groups- F1

Motivation is a useful concept despite that the impact of motivation, job satisfaction or morale on performance are difficult to measure.
Content Theories : The best way to motivate an employee is to find what his /her needs are and offer him/her rewards that will satisfy those needs. 
Maslow identified of hierarchy of needs.
Herzberg identified two basic needs system which are the need to avoid unpleasantness and the need for personal growth. He also suggested factor such as Hygiene and Motivator factors and those are offered by Organisation.
Herzberg suggested three types of job design: Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement and Job Rotation 
Job enlargement is attempt to widen jobs . Job Enrichment represents into greater levels of responsibility, challenge and autonomy/freedom. Job rotation is the planned transfer from one job to another to task variety.
Process theory of motivation of help managers to understand the dynamics of employees decision what rewards are worth going for.
Vrooms Expectancy theories (Force=Valence x Expectancy) is which employee expects the results of his effort to contribute to his personal needs.
McGregor Theory X and Y. X means to force to do something they don’t willing to do work. and Y means employee like the work.
Rewards may be Extrinsic (External to the work) and Intrinsic (Arising from the work)
Feedback as a Motivator. Participation (in decision making) as a Motivator. Participation with 5Cs such as Certainty, Consistency, Clarity, Capacity, Commitment
Pay as a Motivator,
Performance Related Pay (PRP)

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